How far along: 6 weeks
Total weight gain: I have no idea. I rarely weigh myself, but at the doctors office I stand on the scale backwards so I don't have to know. I want to focus on having a healthy pregnancy and not focus on how much weight I've gained. That puts too much mental stress on me.
Maternity clothes: Not wearing them, but I'm having a blast online shopping for them!
Sleep: I'm getting super tired around 6:00-7:30, but then catch a second wind and can't fall asleep until 10:30 or so! I also wake up easily for nothing. Then it's hard to go back to sleep. Maybe it's the excitement?!
Miss anything: Until last Tuesday, I didn't know there was anything to miss yet!
Movement: Nope!
Food cravings: Random things I haven't had in years like tator tots.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not yet! Although I do feel a little nauseous after I eat almost every time.
Have you started to show yet: A little. I can see a bigger change in my face than anywhere else so far. Last Monday I was CONVINCED I was getting fat and going crazy. Then the news on Tuesday explained it :) Suddenly the world became clear :)
Gender: It's always been a desire of my heart to have a boy first, so I keep reminding God of His promise to give us the desires of our hearts if we delight in Him :)
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Definitely happy. And a little extra sensitive at times. 

Looking forward to: The whole thing! Shopping for nursery stuff, painting the walls, maternity clothes, running a half marathon (hopefully)! Everything! I'm so excited!
Exercise: At this point, baby G and I have run 113 miles together!
How far along: 7 weeks
Exercise: At this point, baby G and I have run 113 miles together!
How far along: 7 weeks
Total weight gain: I'm not sure and I don't intend to find out :)
Maternity clothes: I hope to stay in my pre-pregnancy clothes as long as possible, but I'm wearing the pieces that have a little more stretch. Oh, and I'm on mission "don't wash my jeans because they will shrink." So there's that. I've been wearing dirty jeans for a few weeks now :)
Sleep: Sleeping great (and nearly all the time). School was canceled for two days at the beginning of the week and I took full advantage of the extra sleeping time!
Miss anything: Until last Tuesday, I didn't know there was anything to miss yet!
Movement: Nope, but I can't wait!
Food cravings: Grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches! Be still my heart. Spaghetti (the ice storm that shut down my life for two days quickly went from the best thing to the worst thing when I realized I couldn't get out to buy ingredients for spaghetti!!) And salty things, which I've never craved before. Normally I'm a sweets person, but not right now!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing makes me sick, but the idea of things makes my stomach turn... like sweets. I don't even know who I am anymore :)
Have you started to show yet: Not really, although when I suck in my stomach I can tell a difference because 1. it hurts, 2. I can't suck in as much anymore
Gender: I feel like it's a boy, but the hubs is convinced it's a girl because all of his cousins exclusively have girls - except one boy.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Definitely happy. And a little extra sensitive at times. 

Looking forward to: The whole thing! Shopping for nursery stuff, painting the walls, maternity clothes, running a half marathon (hopefully)! Everything! I'm so excited!
Exercise: At this point, baby G and I have run 130 miles together! Some days running has been a struggle and other days it feels super easy.
Exercise: At this point, baby G and I have run 130 miles together! Some days running has been a struggle and other days it feels super easy.
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