Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Plan of Attack: 4th of July Survival

I love the 4th of July! I love festive holidays that require you to relax and spend time with family!! This year, my husband and I are going to the mountains with his family and I could not be more excited! I've got big plans for relaxing, golfing and running throughout the weekend! Since I've been on a roller coaster of eating issues lately, I've been creating a plan of attack when it comes to food over the holiday. Since we'll be out of town, I can't very easily do my routine meal planning, and we'll likely be eating out a lot. So my biggest personal focus over the holiday will be to begin the day by getting my mind and heart in the right place by going on a hike, praying, and reading the Daniel Plan.

Don't these look yummy! Find them here!

I've compiled a lot of great tips when it comes to food and activities throughout the weekend! Here are good reminders of do's and don'ts when it comes to diet and exercise over the 4th of July:

  • Drink plenty of water! Whether you're festivities are outdoors or indoors, be sure you're staying hydrated. A good way to remember how much water to drink is by taking your weight, divide it in half, and drink that many ounces in water. For example, someone who weighs 200 pounds should drink 100oz. of water each day.
Here's a delicious tip - add berries and water to an ice tray, freeze the water into ice, then place the cubes into water to add a sweet flavor to your water! Click here to see to see the full recipe!
  • Go outside and play! Whether it's running, grilling, playing washers, swimming, etc. enjoy your company {or lack thereof} and relax by enjoying the outdoors! You'll burn calories and work up an appetite!
  • Eat the healthiest foods first! Fruits and vegetables will make you fuller faster, so you won't eat as many of the sides, bread and meat.
Click here to see the source of this picture.
  • Eat dessert! Just keep it small. Remember portion sizes when it comes to the sweet desserts. The difference between a small portion and a large portion can be hundreds of calories. A craving can be satisfied in 2-3 bites, so don't eat the entire apple pie in one sitting.
That looks like my kind of dessert! Click here to see it!

  • Don't skip meals to save calories for later! Skipping meals can lead to overeating and low blood sugar, and therefore, bad choices.
  • Graze on food. Eat true meals rather than snack all day. You'll likely consume more junk calories by eating here and there, rather than sitting down for a meal because your mind won't register that your body is satisfied and doesn't need to eat anymore.
  • Eat the chips, crackers and bread. These are generally snack-y foods that have a lot of carbs that you're unlikely to burn off. They may taste yummy, but the sugar in these items will cause insulin spikes and crashes like candy. Redirect your calories to something more filling a bigger portion of meat or vegetables.

Here are extra tips from my friends on Facebook and Instagram:
  • Terri {an awesome health coach} – Eat ahead of time. Eat protein, fiber and fat. Skip the bun. If you're going to drink alcohol, make sure it's grain-free and refined-sugar free if possible. Food doesn't have power over you, that's a lie. Enjoy your friends and family!
  • Margi – I eat frozen grapes for when it's hot and I want a cold treat!
  • Danielle P. – Start the morning with a workout! You'll be much more likely to stay on track after you've worked hard in the morning! 
  • Emily – Be intentional. If you're going to give yourself permission to indulge, then enjoy! If you want to stay on track, then plan & mentally commit to it. 
  • Chrissy – Consider bringing your own food to share (chicken you can throw on the grill, fruit salad, etc.) so you know something healthy will be there. Also, watch the alcohol - a weekend full of drinking can easily add up to 1000-2000 calories. Switch out booze with water/seltzer, which will help cut down on excess and also keep you hydrated better in the hot weather.
  • Danielle T. – pick a day to eat/drink whatever you want within reason, and keep to your schedule as much as possible on the other days. For me, I plan to eat whatever on that holiday 
  • Kristen S. – They're holiDAYS not holiWEEKS. Enjoy the best of the day then back on track the next morning. 
  • Kaila – Don't deprive yourself of your favorites! The more you restrict the more you likely are to overeat things that you're not actually going to enjoy.
  • Emily – Going with the mindset that you are allowing yourself to have a treat or something that you don't usually have is key. Going to a party and thinking you aren't "allowed" to have something you enjoy leads to wanting it more or eating more to try and compensate for not having it. Remember that you can't lose 5 lbs in a day and you also can't gain it in a day. It's the long-term choices that make the big differences.
  • Esther – Stay HYDRATED! Choose a few things to sample, but fill up with mostly yummy and healthy items. Particiate in a 5k walk or run in the morning if you can, or do one on your own!

Let's chat!
  • What are your 4th of July plans?!
  • What are some of your tips and tricks to having a relaxing and fun holiday?


  1. Great tips! I try to get in a good workout before. I treat it as a splurge day, then eat healthy the rest of the week. I have problems remembering to hydrate though :(

    1. I definitely had a hard time remembering to hydrate. It's also hard because if you're on the go, a restroom isn't always convenient if you've had too much water!
