Monday, July 14, 2014

Solved that problem!

I was recently asked for traveling tips on a gluten-free diet. Traveling with dietary restrictions can be tricky. Whether on the road or at our destination, I basically have to plan to have a back-up plan for each meal just in case I don't have other options. My husband and I were out of town {for several days} for the 4th of July holiday, but amazingly, Udi's Gluten Free saved my life with PERFECT goodies for traveling!

Although my sweet tooth got the best of me and the Snickerdoodles didn't quite make it to the trip. They were gone long before we left :)

The bagels were a super-treat because I LOVE bagels and peanut butter to fuel a long run. However since going gluten-free, I haven't found the perfect g-free bagel. But that's past now! I fueled my 14-mile run with a bagel, almond butter and raisins and it was amazingly delicious!

 I definitely indulged in the granola in the car and for breakfast!

The Hubs was excited about the Jalapeño Cheddar chips, and I was equally excited that I could finally have a gluten-free cinnamon roll! Not to mention the tortillas, which are literally the best I've ever had {gluten or gluten free}. I've already used them for my pre-workout and post-workout meals!

Udi's was seriously a miracle that solved my problem of eating while traveling!

Let's Chat!
- What kind of food do you eat on the road?
- If you could only eat one type of cookie for the rest of your life, what would it be?

1 comment:

  1. One type of cookie for the rest of my life?! That's INSANE! Ha. Chocolate Chip, though. Definitely. I like to eat grapes or cherries on the go. Or KIND snacks. Or apples and cheese. Definitely nuts. I feel like no matter where I go I can find these things at a grocery store and just keep a stock pile to myself in case there aren't any great options wherever I am.
