I'm not much of a new years resolutioner, but I am VERY goal-oriented. Resolutions are quickly broken, but goals seem more like a promise to yourself. I believe goals are statements of faith that expand your character by challenging you in areas you want to improve. I thought for a few weeks on what my goals would be for the new year, and of course the typical
- I want to read my bible more often
- I want to lose weight
- I want to get healthier
all came to my mind. Those are great goals, but I wanted to dig deeper into my soul to find the areas that really need life-long improvement. I want 2015 to be dedicated to enjoying life like never before, growing closer to Christ, and dedicating my body to His plan for me.
Chelsy on instagram started a #GoalsToGlorify campaign, where we can think about goals that glorify God, so that we may grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically… not just physically, which is the foundation of many new years resolutions.
So I thought and prayed that the Lord would reveal to me the areas in which I need the most improvement, so here goes:
These three #GoalsToGlorify will challenge me all year, no doubt. But I'm so excited to see how much I'll grow because of the challenge! Writing them down makes them so real! It's scary and intimidating to set such high goals for myself, especially because I've fallen in these areas so many times before (and I have already slipped up this year). But I want to start focusing and making goals in areas other than fitness. I'm hopeful that the Lord will teach me great things in the upcoming year! I have many other goals that I hope to accomplish this year, but the above are the three are the ones that I want to wholly focus on. And if you're on instagram, it would be awesome to have you join the #GoalsToGlorify campaign!
Let's chat!
- What do you hope to accomplish in 2015?
Oh I love that! I'll have to think about my goals. I started using an app on my phone called Gratitude--I started in December to keep me focused on Him and not my stress. Well, it's GREAT and I love having it with me so I can add to it whenever I want but also I can print them out or share them.